PEZ Factory Visit

PEZ Factory Visit

Being newly relocated to the East Coast, the Fish and I have been doing a lot of adventuring around CT. We constantly see something interesting that we write down in our log, keeping track of where it is so we turn it into a Funky Monkey and the Fish adventure. While on our way to IKEA (yes, there is one in the area…although it’s not all that close) we saw a roadside sign advertising tours of the PEZ Factory. We knew, of course, that was going to be a destination in the near future.

PEZ Factory Visitor CenterNow, I’m hoping I don’t have to explain what PEZ is, but for those of you that don’t know, I’ll give you a little background on this addicting little candy. PEZ is a compressed peppermint candy that was developed in 1930 in Vienna, Austria. It was originally designed as a breath mint, but soon became a worldwide candy that everyone has enjoyed. PEZ is short for PfeffErminZ, a word in German that means peppermint. Anyway, little did we know that the PEZ Factory was in CT so the Fish suggested we make it our Saturday morning adventure. I think she just wanted to get some compressed peppermint candy.

We arrived at the plant, went inside and took the self-guided tour. It was awesome to see the TON (maybe thousands) of different PEZ dispensers on display, how they were made, the history of PEZ and even try a few samples. We (read: the Fish) bought some goodies as gifts as well as a few for ourselves. I think we’d be considered PEZ-heads at this point.

Here’s some pix from the plant. If you’re ever in the area, I would suggest checking it out. It’s really pretty cool.

PEZ Candy Inc, USA
35 Prindle Hill Road
Orange, CT 06477-3616